The Upper Rhine Conference (ORK)

The Franco-German-Swiss Conference of the Upper Rhine (ORK) provides the most important institutional framework of cross-border regional cooperation for the canton of Basel-Stadt. Its catchment area covers the regions of Baden and Palatinate (Südpfalz) in Germany, the sub-region of Alsace on the French side and the five north-western Swiss cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Aargau, Solothurn and Jura.

Upper Rhine Conference

The Upper Rhine Conference was the result of a merger in 1991 between the northern bi-national and the southern tri-national Regional Committee, which had been formed in 1975. Furthermore, the Government Commission represents the link between the Upper Rhine Conference and the national governments and can mediate questions, which cannot be settled at the regional level.

The Upper Rhine Conference fundamentally deals with all issues that involve a cross-border cooperation. The topics currently covered are addressed in twelve thematic working groups. Several hundred experts from specialist administrations are involved in the exchange of ideas and experiences in the fields of education and training, healthcare, youth, disaster relief, culture, regional planning, environment and climate protection, transport, business, agriculture, statistics and sports.

The joint secretariat of the Upper Rhine Conference is located in Kehl (Germany) and is run by permanent delegates from all three countries.

The Executive Committee, the central decision-making body, usually meets twice a year. The one-year presidency rotates between the three countries. In 2022 the Swiss delegation, led by the canton of Basel-Stadt in the person of President of the Government Beat Jans, held the presidency. The Swiss presidency of the Upper Rhine Conference made a substantial contribution towards increasing the strength of the tri-national Upper Rhine region as a place for working and living on the Upper Rhine. In particular, the interests of the Upper Rhine Conference were actively presented to the national governments and the EU. Cross-sectoral issues such as dealing with the pandemic, climate protection and digitisation formed areas of special focus. The presidency for 2023 passed to France. The current priority programme is focussed on the subjects of the environment, health, education and training. It is also expected that the Olympic Games to be held in Paris in 2024 will boost sports in the Upper Rhine region.


December 2022: 48. Meeting of the Upper Rhine Conference in Basel, with representatives from the three countries.


Josiane Chevalier, Präfektin der région Grand Est; Bärbel Schäfer, Regierungspräsidentin RP Freiburg; Beat Jans, Regierungspräsident Kanton Basel-Stadt.

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Upper Rhine Council (ORR)

Since 1998, the Upper Rhine Council has been the complementary political body for the administration-focused Franco-German-Swiss Conference of the Upper Rhine (ORK). The 71 members of the Council (from Basel: members of the parliament) and other elected officials support and encourage the ORK in its work. In this way, they increase the democratic legitimacy of the trinational cooperation in the Upper Rhine Region.